Battle system
Terminology mostly used for RPGs.
How you defeat enemies in a game.
How you defeat enemies in a game.
"Computer Graphics". The high-resolution, pre-rendered
graphics of a game.
graphics of a game.
How a game plays in terms of
control, response, and creativity.
control, response, and creativity.
High-polygon model
A higher count of polygons that has
a smoother look to the model.
a smoother look to the model.
Low-polygon model
A lower count of polygons that has
a rougher look to the model.
a rougher look to the model.
What the graphics of a game are made up of.
The plot; how the story evolves.
A guide for a game that helps
you accomplish a task.
you accomplish a task.
A game solely based on elements of action.
Example: Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
Sub-genres: Beat-'Em-Up, Hack 'n' Slash
Example: Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
Sub-genres: Beat-'Em-Up, Hack 'n' Slash
A game solely based on elements of exploring, and/or
collecting items and so forth.
Example: Sam & Max series
collecting items and so forth.
Example: Sam & Max series
Action Adventure
A game that combines elements of platforming,
exploring, and intense fighting.
Example: God of War series
exploring, and intense fighting.
Example: God of War series
Card Battle
A game that features cards as a way to fight/play.
Example: Yu-Gi-Oh! series
Example: Yu-Gi-Oh! series
A game that features elements of one-on-one combat,
multiplayer, and/or online and more.
Example: Mortal Kombat series
multiplayer, and/or online and more.
Example: Mortal Kombat series
"First-person shooter". A game that features
shooting guns in a first-person perspective.
Example: Halo series
shooting guns in a first-person perspective.
Example: Halo series
A game that features mini-games/peripherals and various
multiplayer options.
Example: Mario Party series
multiplayer options.
Example: Mario Party series
A game that features
running, jumping, climbing, and more.
Example: Super Mario series
running, jumping, climbing, and more.
Example: Super Mario series
A game that requires thinking to accomplish
a pattern of building or destroying objects.
Example: Tetris
a pattern of building or destroying objects.
Example: Tetris
A game that features the racing of cars, people, etc.
Example: Need for Speed series
Example: Need for Speed series
"Role-playing game". A game that features battling,
shopping, exploring, a leveling-up system, and more.
Heavily based on the story-line and
the developing of characters.
Example: Final Fantasy series
shopping, exploring, a leveling-up system, and more.
Heavily based on the story-line and
the developing of characters.
Example: Final Fantasy series
A game that requires the player to keep in rhythm
with a song in order to complete a level or a task.
Usually consists of timed button sequences.
Example: Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution
with a song in order to complete a level or a task.
Usually consists of timed button sequences.
Example: Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution

A game that simulates real-life amusements.
Example: The Sims series
Example: The Sims series
Games that feature arcade-like or simulation-like
versions of sports.
Example: Madden series
versions of sports.
Example: Madden series
A game that requires tactical thinking, and is usually
presented in a turn-based or top-down perspective,
most commonly seen with a group of characters to control.
Example: Age of Empires series
Sub-genres: Real-Time Strategy, Turn-Based Strategy
presented in a turn-based or top-down perspective,
most commonly seen with a group of characters to control.
Example: Age of Empires series
Sub-genres: Real-Time Strategy, Turn-Based Strategy
"Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game".
An RPG with online capabilities, allowing players
to play and interact with other players around the world.
(Requires an internet connection to play)
Example: World of Warcraft
An RPG with online capabilities, allowing players
to play and interact with other players around the world.
(Requires an internet connection to play)
Example: World of Warcraft
again, a few things I didn't know...I think it'll help out people that are at my level or worse then me when it comes to terms to understand them. Great idea.
i agree. Some stuff i didn't know! =)
It helped! good job!
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