Acquired: Besaid Temple
Unique Attack: Sonic Wings (Damages, delays next attack)
Overdrive: Energy Ray, Energy Blast (Return to Besaid, speak to the girl with a dog by her)
Special/Other: Attacks break 9999 once Nirvana is activated (Yuna's legendary weapon).
Acquired: Kilika Temple
Unique Attack: Meteor Strike (Penetrates protect, non-elemental damage, longer recovery time, best for long range)
Overdrive: Hellfire
Special/Other: Attacks break 9999 once World champion is activated (Wakka's legendary weapon).Ixion
Acquired: Djose Temple
Unique Attack: Aerospark (Causes non-elemental damage and negates magical effects)
Overdrive: Thor's Hammer
Special/Other: Attacks break 9999 once Spirit Lance is activated (Kimahri's legendary weapon).
Unique Attack: Heavenly Strike (Non-elemental damage and slightly delays next turn of enemy)
Overdrive: Diamond Dust
Special/Other: Attacks break 9999 once The Onion Knight is activated (Lulu's legendary weapon).

Acquired: Palace of St. Bevelle
Unique Attack: Impulse (Damages multiple enemies)
Overdrive: Mega Flare
Special/Other: Attacks always break 9999 when strong enough, and will get stronger.

Acquired: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Unique Attacks: Diagoro, Kozuka, Wakizashi, Zanmato
Overdrive: None
Special/Other: Attacks break 9999 once Masamune is activated (Auron's legendary weapon). Yojimbo can only attack if you pay him gil, for he is on the Rent-an-Aeon service.

Acquired: Baaj Temple
Unique Attack: Pain (Inflicts damage and Death on an enemy)
Overdrive: Oblivion
Special/Other: Attacks always break 9999 when strong enough, and will get stronger.
The Magus Sisters - Cindy, Sandy, and Mandy.

Unique Attacks: Cindy - Camisade, Sandy - Razzia, Mindy - Passado
Overdrive: Delta Attack
Special/Other: The Magus Sisters act as three different aeons, but are summoned all at once. They don't attack normally, but have special commands.

Do what you will. Makes the choice.
Fight! Performs regular attacks.
Go! Go! Performs unique attacks/magic.
One More Time Repeats last action.
Defense! Cast protective/defensive magic.
Combine Powers! Sisters perform "Delta Attack." This option appears when ALL 3 sisters are in overdrive, and can not be performed alone.

Secret Aeon Guides
Yojimbo is the simplest aeon to obtain. After you walk through the Calm Lands and defeat the Defender X, go down the gorge to the right of the screen. Once you're down there, go to the right again and search for the Rusty Sword (used to acquire Auron's legendary weapon, Masamune). Then, head back to the left and go into the cave. Continue to the back of the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth and you will meet up with an unsent summoner, along with a surprise about Lulu. You will have to defeat Yojimbo for him to join sides with you (kind of like in FFVIII, when you have to defeat Ifrit and others to get them on your side). After that, you must go into the Chamber of the Fayth and actually pay for the aeon! Don't worry, though, because it'll be worth it later on. When you talk to Yojimbo, choose the password "To defeat the most powerful of enemies" for his lowest initial asking price. For your first offer, half it and then add 1. (Say, if he's asking for 100, offer 51. This will not happen though.) After the next offer, raise your bid by 1 gil. When he proposes 205,000, he will accept generally anything under 200,000, but not too much lower. If you offer Yojimbo triple the amount of what he's asking, he will join your side, and additionally give you two Teleport Spheres. You can come back at anytime with the airship to get him.
Obtaining Anima is a long process, but not too difficult. The first step to getting her is actually at the beginning of the game. In each Cloister of Trials there is a special item, or gift. To get these gifts, you must use a Destruction Sphere in certain areas of the trial. You can go back to any temple, except for Bevelle, to get these if you somehow missed one, by using the airship. You get this much later into the game. When you get the chance to fly the airship, search for Baaj Temple at the locations : X coordinate 11-16 and Y coordinate 57-63. Just keep pressing X around those areas until it is found. Once there, jump into the water and search around until you meet up, again, with Geosgaeno. You can only fight this boss with Tidus, Rikku, and Wakka. After you defeat the fish, swim north until you enter the temple ruins. Search around for some chests, and then activate 5 of the 6 statues. Go back to the save sphere, board the airship, and return to Zanarkand. Go to the Cloister of Trials. Depending on your previous actions towards Dona, she may appear here. Inside, a new puzzle will be present. Step on the three white squares in the first room, and then go into the second room and activate the 4 white squares here. The panel in the first room will open and reveal a Destruction Sphere. Place this into the slot to the right of the monitor in the large chamber. The screen will then explode. Obtain the Magistral Rod, and return to the Baaj temple. Again, activate the statues. The Chamber of Fayth will now open. Watch the cutscene to find out more about who Anima really is, and then she is yours!
Once you captured all of the required specimens on Mt. Gagazet, return to the Monster Arena and talk to the owner who will hand over a Blossom Crown as a reward. Go to the Remiem Temple and defeat all of the aeons, including Yojimbo and Anima. Belgemine will give you a Flower Scepter. Behind her is a chamber that, until now, was guarded. Use these two items on the door and you acquire the Sisters! Defeat them to get another item.
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